This class is designed to advance the figure skater’s artistry, as well as improve their form, focus, and musicality. Skaters need to have previous ballet experience, or be invited by the instructor to take this class. Ballet III takes place in a small group setting and is run more like a semi private for the serious skater who wants ballet to come shining through their skating. With attention to technique, form, line positions proper placement, and use of the upper body ballet will appear effortless and very natural within a skaters’ presentation on the ice. (Ages 13 and up only)
Location: Scottsdale Ice Den – APEX Upstairs Room
Day/Time: TBD
Location: Scottsdale Ice Den – TBD
Day/Time: TBD
Tuition: Please Contact Ice Den for Pricing.
Dress: Hair is to be pulled back off face, no dangling jewelry, skating attire is fine for dress. Ballet shoes are required. No sneakers, heels or outside shoes are allowed on dance floor.
Note: Please meet outside of Ballet studio. Do not enter the room without a teacher. No street shoes are allowed inside the studio, No food or drink is allowed inside the Ballet studio.